Importance of the Board of Directors
Sitting on the board of your homeowners association is a rewarding way to get involved in your community, get to know your neighbors, and personally ensure that your property values are preserved and protected–for the immediate future and in the long run. The Board of Directors is an essential part of the association’s success.
What does it entail?
Being a board member requires a small commitment of your time, just 1-2 hours per month. On occasion, you may spend additional hours on special projects or events. Signature Properties, our HOA management company, does most of the work, but it takes the homeowners to truly improve our community.
You may think most of what the board does is related to managing the community’s finances. And although that’s certainly an important part of it, it’s not all they do. Having a board with a diverse set of skills is really beneficial for the association. Board member responsibilities are:
Managing budgets/fiscal responsibilities
Enforcing/complying with governing documents
Approve architectural applications
Can organize committees of volunteers to handle other tasks such as:
Communications: manage website, social media, post events, write/distribute periodic newsletters, neighborhood outreach
Social: plan community events like BBQ, Dumpster day, neighborhood yard sale
Architectural Review Board: help ensure owner improvements are in compliance with the governing documents and maintain aesthetics and conformity.
What about the current members?
Our current board is dwindling. The last few members have served for 5-15 years and need to retire, which means we must elect a new board (minimum 3 members) at the annual meeting on June 22, 2022 7pm (zoom).
This is a great opportunity for new fresh faces and perspectives to come forward and make Scott's Pond even better!
I'm interested, how do I volunteer?
If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, click here to submit HOA candidate statement no later than Sunday June 5, 2022. The Candidate Statement introduces you as a candidate and functions as an informative tool for voters. We will circulate the names of all candidates in a newsletter/website and proxy form prior to the annual meeting.
Please make sure you register for and attend the annual meeting on June 22, 2022 at 7pm via Zoom.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Tricia Childress at Signature Properties.